Uploading an invoice (detailed)

If you need to create an invoice or upload a PDF that you have already created, you will do that on the Invoices tab of the work order. Click on “Create Invoice”.

Type in the Scope of Work and Invoice Number. The Work Order #, Payment Terms, and Due Date are prefilled and do not need to be edited. Please note, if you are going to upload a detailed PDF with the scope of work explained, you can be brief here.

Continue to scroll down to enter your charges for Labor, Parts, Equipment, Travel, Freight and Miscellaneous. Again, if you are uploading a detailed PDF, you will not need to enter every part and labor charge here. You certainly can “add parts” and “add labor”, but it is not required. Miscellaneous charges might be, and are not limited to: Incurred Charges, Truck Charges, Personal Protective Equipment, Parking, Tolls, Gas Surcharge, or Admin Fees to name a few.

**Pro Tip: You can click on the red circle with a minus sign to bypass adding hourly labor and add total labor instead.

You will see that OpenWrench will total the invoice for you before and after tax. When you are satisfied with your charges select “Create Invoice”.

The final step will be to upload your PDF. If you do not have a detailed PDF to upload – not a problem! Simply select “Generate PDF” to have OpenWrench create one for you to attach!

Once the invoice is attached you are ready to Publish your invoice.